RONA 21’

As this pandemic took off it has exposed the faults in our system, and proved as reminder the stark differences in reality for people in this country. Some cannot leave the house or socialize in person for fear of a possible more apparent and horrific death. Others tell themselves that it will never happen to them and hold a pool party at the Lake of the Ozarks, while others have no choice but to risk exposure just to keep their world from falling apart. Vaccination hesitancy, complacency, and “Covid Fatigue” are all still factors to this new reality. This flood of media headlines and new information has gone on as of now for two years 2020, the Delta Variant in 2021, and will continue as the Omicron Variant in 2022. 

We are told to get tested if we want to, but the reality is quite different from such a casual statement. Though this pandemic has proven to be of little importance for some; for others its not that simple. Issues with testing, grocery prices, unemployment, no universal healthcare, limited fragile support systems coming to an end,  no real social structure to combat any serious threat to our system, impending evictions and a political body at odds. Increasing anxiety for some and denial for others, the new normal is uncertainty. RONA is my attempt to work through these new circumstances, this surreal prologue at play."


Depth of Space


RONA 20'